When Planting Isn’t Sexy

Ministry and marriage aren’t always sexy. They require grit, commitment, and a deep knowledge of God’s control.

The Lives I’ve Read

Recently, a lot of people, including Barack Obama, have been sharing reading lists from 2017. This got me thinking about what my reading list would look like. This past year I read Fahrenheit 451, The Boy in the Striped Pajamas, a couple books by Peter Haas, and Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close. Don’t judge, but this year was the fist […]


Sometimes, we think we know a lot about people whom we don’t know personally. We make a lot of assumptions based on appearances and our own ideas and views. For example…. When we moved here, Ella immediately found her place. She is an outgoing young lady with a very active social life. Kaleb, on the other hand, didn’t really talk […]


Dear Suspended Student, For the past couple of days I have been struggling with a question I can’t shake- Did you fail, or did I fail you? You see, I knew from the first day that you were hard, but not unreachable. I knew from the look you gave me when I asked you to take your headphones out and […]


The point is I was tired before the weekend even began and part of me wanted to just stay home, curl up in a blanket and binge watch.

I find myself having those days more and more. Whether it’s from my mile-long to-do list or a newsfeed of political divisiveness, or crazy raccoons, I have too many days where I just want to sit down, or lie down.

I’m not saying I want to quit completely, I just want to ride the pine for a little while ya know? Sit on the sidelines and watch the game while I take a breather. Ever felt that way?


As a young man in construction boots, dress pants, a white button down dress shirt, and a flannel stood beside my brother and waited for his bride, Will announced to those in the room that he was about to perform a wedding ceremony and those who were left were welcome to witness the event or to give the room to the couple.

We took seats in the chairs that had not been packed up yet and watched as a young women entered with a beautiful gown, tattoos, a pony tail, smiles, and tears.


As a parent, life seems to be a fluctuation between survival mode and an attempt to capture the moments we never want to forget.

Freedom is so close I can almost taste it. The day to day pressures of three small lives is lifting as they grow. With the lifting of pressure becomes space. Oh how I have wanted space and room to breath, and now…

Eye of the Beholder

I was so proud of RCC and how hard everyone had worked to get to launch day. Why was I allowing perfectionism to take away a moment that cannot be relived?

I can’t get that moment back. I can make a choice that, from this day forward, I will see myself as fearfully, beautifully, and wonderfully made. Valued. Loved.


I never acquired the taste for coffee. I know this sounds like insanity to all my joyfully caffeinated friends. In fact, a few may have stopped reading after that first sentence. Because I am not a coffee drinker, I don’t have a single hot beverage on most days. This is why Thursday was so unique. I had not just one, but three cups […]


I am a feeler and a fixer. I often keep the feeling internal and demonstrate my concern by trying to fix. I am getting slightly wiser with age, and I’m learning to try to keep the fixing to myself and share the feeling.