John 21: Feed My Sheep

Following God isn’t about living a perfect life. It is about following Christ’s example of not striving to be first and caring for others.

John 14: Always With You

Christ followers experience difficult seasons in life when feelings of isolation and abandonment can loom large. The temptation to doubt or give up comes in the tough times. Knowing Jesus’ sure promise to be with us and keep us on the way to the Father’s house helps his followers navigate the dark seasons. He will never leave us. “I am with you always.” Jesus, Matt. 28:20.

John 12: Love and the Law

Jesus spent his time on earth revealing the truth of God’s love and grace for us. He didn’t say to stop following the rules. He shined a light on the rules so man could see the heart behind them. He came to show us that God desires obedience in love and relationship. We move from darkness to light when we put our trust in God rather than our ability to follow rules.