I have the best mirror in my bedroom. It makes me look just a tad leaner. My outfits look so great when I stand in front of that mirror in the morning!

I LOVE that mirror.

However, I have another mirror in the living room. This mirror doesn’t quite tell the truth either. This one will distort my shape depending on where I am standing. Unfortunately, the distortion always makes me look wider than I am in reality.

I HATE that mirror.

Neither mirror is an accurate reflection of my appearance, but they both have the ability to impact the way I feel about myself.


My nine year old daughter is playing recreational league soccer for the Blue Bandits this Spring. It brings Jonathan great joy to antagonize our children. A recent family conversation in the car went as follows. Jon: I am going to yell, “Go Band-aids!” No one will know because they will think I am saying Bandits. Go Band-aids! (Yelling… yes, yelling it […]

Winning at Life

Well, I have to tell you, I am winning at life. You might be thinking, “Really? Because I just read your last blog post, and I’m not so sure.” It is true though. I am. Last week, I got my youngest daughter to school on time EVERY day. That is right, every day. On four of those days, I had […]